Wednesday, January 7

I Love Smoothies!!!

I have actually gotten out of the house a lot these past two days! It has been pretty awesome! With not having a job-still, much to my frustration, but certainly not from lack of trying!-I don't seem to get out much. I mean, I take my dogs out for walks, and I spend time outside, I prefer sunlight to dim lamp light, you know what I'm saying?! ;) Even so, a girl has to get out more often than that, at least this girl does! I die with nothing to do and no where to go. I have even started creating homework for myself! Haha! Nothing major, but I have all these books that I am reading, or want to read, so I have created a list, and I have my own deadlines, book studies to write, and so on. It helps keep my mind busy!
Yesterday, I got out of the house though! My dad had to go run errands, so I went with him. We left in the morning, and I thought we would be gone for an hour, maybe a little more, but we were out until 2:30! So, I hurried and got home and left right away to go to the school to bring Robby to basketball practice! While he did that, I played piano and chatted with some girls in the youth group, who are really cool and so funny! And, I am officially accepted by the girls there now, because after I left to drop my dad off at work (although I had to drive back to the campus to pick Robb up), but while I was gone, they played MASH, and they did one for me. So Robb delivered a paper to me from the girls that told me who I would marry, that we'd have 9 kids, live in a mansion, have a limo, and my occupation would be a bum! haha! But, that means I have been welcomed into their little hearts! YES!!! Once you are accepted by the youth group, you are totally in! ;) At least, the teens like to think so! :)

I got out today also! Again, accompanying errands. This time, I went with Grandma. We had to go to a coffee shop in Chino to pick up her latte pot thingy-majigger, which is about a 20 minute drive. Then we stopped for lunch at Panera, which was heavenly, I must say!!! We went to target, and to Henry's, and It's a Grind, at which I got a Berry and Green Tea Smoothy, and it was delicous!!! Seriously, YUMMO!!!! So, that was my exciting day. Pretty much rocked my socks.

OK, so, random subject change, but I am very, very upset with our culture today. Honestly! I don't mean to sound like an old-timer, but WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO???? OK, so first off, I hear that a man kidnaps and murders his 2 year old son, because he didn't want to pay child-support. He said that if forced to pay child-support, he would either kill his wife or his son. So the wretch murders his little boy. What heart break! How sick!
Second, the news comes that 2 homosexual "partners" adopt a little girl. I mean, they can't have children so of course they adopt, right? I mean, if I gave my child up for adoption, I would definately want her to be taken care of by two grown men, you with me? NO! Of course not! Uno, there is a very good reason why the two men cannot have children together! Honestly, we shouldn't even need to make that point! Ugh! Number two, how perverted does that sound, in today's world, we allow a male couple to bring an innocent, helpless little girl into their home! What is wrong here? The whole situation makes my stomach churn!!! AAAHHH!
Then today, my dad calls me over to check out this video on Fox news. In Fort Lauderdale, there are of course rally's and protests, and this video is highlighting a muslim rally on the street. Just right there in the open, they are yelling and screaming and waving signs in protest of Israel. They are cursing at the Jews, while they are of course, in our country, adorned in Muslim garb, and they are screaming GO BACK TO THE OVEN!!! I mean, what??? WHAT??? You know, I really have no problem with the Muslim people. I feel no anger or bitterness towards them as a people. I mean, the religion is a cult, but my heart breaks for the people trapped and blinded by it. Just like any other cult. Sure, it was Muslims, and middle-easterners that have terrorized our country, but that was not every Muslim. We can't put the evil of few on every person from that country or religion. So, my issue is not with the religion, or the people. My anger comes in when they stand on the streets of our country and scream murderous, and hateful things to another people. If you hate our country, why are you here? If you are going to stand on our streets and curse Americans, then leave! The great thing about America, is that it's the melting pot! This is a country where people from all over the world can come and start over! We have enough hateful people and racists here as it is already, don't bring your new hates and your new nasty protests and slanders to us! We don't need that! And why was this allowed to continue? HUH? I want to know why they were not all arrested for a hate crime! "Go back to the oven!" What? That is terrible! To hear that, breaks my heart! Brings tears to my eyes! How could someone ever bring themself to say something like that? What strong level of hate must you feel to say that? I can't even comprehend. So if you want to come to our country, great! Start over! And I don't even think you have to become an American clone. Bring your culture! It's what makes America so unique and amazing! But one thing you must leave behind is your hate and your cruelty! We don't need that nor do we want that! And why is our governement so fearful of offending others? So what, because they are Muslim, we can't arrest them? What, it's not a hate crime if it's against Jews, or Christians, or Conservatists, right? But God forbid one of those groups say something against the different groups, right? No! People are people. Hate is hate. Furthermore, a hate crime is a hate crime no matter who it's pointed at or who committed it! It sickens me! It absolutely sickens me! Will we ever be able to over come our hate for those that are different?

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