Wednesday, January 14


Yesterday Mom and I drove to school to get my stuff from my dorm. It was really sad. I didn't cry, but I did think about it. Mom cried, but I didn't feel like it. So I sucked it up, and moved on. Didn't take too long to pack up all my stuff. I wrote notes for my roommates on everything I knew wouldn't matter. You know, "I love you", "Don't forget me", "Jane loves you and is praying for you", and such and so forth. I felt so homesick. I remember there was a time while at school that I did not feel at home there at all. I had been hanging out with that may not be bad to some, but they pretty much didn't care at all for anything important, enjoyed breaking minor laws, and one was even an ex-druggy/dealer, so, not really the type of people that you should label as your "inner circle". I realized this, and stopped hanging out with these people. However, I really didn't know anyone else. We were almost a month into school, and I didn't have any other friends! So, I hung out with three awesome people-me, myself, and I! As pitiful as that may sound to some, it worked...for a while! But as time wore on, my self-fulfillment wore off, and I really needed someone! Being so far away from my family, as exciting of course as that was, I really needed someone there to spend time with and be close to. That's when I met Kayla Stone. She and I worked together, and we totally clicked. Went together like 2 peas in a pod, or maybe PB&J, except there were only two of us. But maybe salt and pepper, or sugar and spice-everything nice! We bonded quickly and had a great time terrorizing the computer lab with our quick wit! A couple weeks after that (which felt like an eternity), we started hanging out with a long-time friend of Kayla, Jesse Jones, and his roommate Matt Hodge. I must confess, at the start, I thought Jesse was, well, slightly off his rocker, and I must also be honest and admit that I thought Matt was bossy and annoying. However, for some reason, my desperation for friends, kept me hanging out with them, and very quickly, the above mentioned gentlemen became good friends, and soon we were an un-stoppable foursome! Again, we bonded quickly. Sometimes you just find those people you click with, and these three people have been added to my small list of best friends! I learned that a home is not about where you live, or even what you have there, it's about being with people you care about. I did not feel at home at school until I felt at home with the people there. The people I was close to made it home for me. So as I am sure you cannot imagine, making the trip to school yesterday, going to the dean's office, seeing Mrs. Weaver, Bro. and Mrs. Blehm, then heading across the eerliy empty campus, and going into my empty dorm and gathering up my stuff, it was really hard! Overwhelmingly so. But I have been coping with these emotions for quite a while now, and as they are nothing new, I have already cried my tears. So, I was strong and did not cry, but my mom did a little bit!

So, with all my stuff, and our already confined space, we were quite out of room.
So we spent the middle of the afternoon organizing and rearranging the bedroom and so on. So, for tomorrow, all we have to do is unload my suitcases. All of my odds and ends, and I have a lot, are put away, so now it's mostly just clothes, which we made mucho room for this afternoon! Kudos to us! Mostly mom, though. As my attention span was suffering today, I fear that I was not as much help as I should have been. But I know I will be better tomorrow!

Then I went on errands with mom and grandma. Lemme tell ya, though. Having three generations of opinionated, sassy Irish women out together is great, but throw in some testy circumstances, and things can get a little bizarre. Or just flat out insane. Whatever floats your boat. While they were grocery shopping (which would be a very boring task if not for the adorable baggers employed at our grocery store!), I hit all the businesses and asked the dreaded question, "Are you hiring?". I have filled out so many applications, mostly online. But yesterday and today I actually went out and asked people in person. I gotta say, THIS IS BAD for my self esteem! I feel like a loser! Or, as Elf so eloquently says it, a "Cotton-Headed-Ninny'Muggins"! Yep, that pretty much labels it spot on! Walking into a store and asking that dreaded question time and time again, and getting turned down time and time again, is simply not good for morale! In fact, I would definitely call it a negative influence. Oh yes, I would go that far! Believe it or not! But, I finally talked to one little diner that is hiring a hostess, so I filled out an application and tomorrow I will bring by my impressive (as I like to think) resume, and talk to the manager. I pray this is it. I simply do not understand how one can survive as a cotton headed ninny muggins for a long amount of time! Seems purty darn difficult to me! And I am new at this!

So, that was my day. 24 and American Idol have been keeping me busy at night. Thank goodness for those shows. I read so much, that sometimes it is so enjoyable to turn my brain off in front of some pointless entertainment. I quite enjoy it occasinally. A pleasant past-time when not enjoyed too frequently!

I am very excited for church tomorrow. Sad though, Jaclyn is gone. But I still have friends here. Sure I do! MAN ALIVE! I really miss my school! Drat! WHY? Ugh! Such frustration!
But I do love church. And being used to chapel everyday, I miss having church so often. Then Friday night I have my first full night of teaching RU Kids, and am super thrilled for that! I already love that ministry, and am so thankful for the great opportunity! Then Sat is soul-winning, and Sunday I go bar-hopping with the girls.
haha! Just kidding, making sure you weren't falling asleep! But bear with me, I am falling asleep myself! I need to go to bed! So goodnight! I wrote a poem today. I will probably post it tomorrow. Depends on if I'm in the sharing mood or not.


  1. So I hope you don't mind but I started reading your blog! I love it! I am a blogger also and have found it to be a great way to express myself! I would like to post a link on my blog to yours, but I will only do it if it is okay with you! Let me know! :)

  2. Yea, it's totally okay! Go ahead and post away!!! I love blogging, but didn't know anyone read it! Lol!!! I write for myself and my imaginary friends, lol! But be my guest, I would love to know someone actually reads my random oddness! I need to write more....
