Thursday, January 1

Tournament of Roses, Why Not Just SImply:Rose Parade?

Happy New Year! I can't believe it is actually 2009. I say that every year, but it's true each time I say it! When I looked ahead, I imagined my life to be a certain way, and it is so different than what I had imagined. My family lives in California, I am not in school, I am not doing any of the things I wanted to be doing at this point in my life. And yet, I am trusting God more than I ever have. I just had this conversation with a friend this afternoon (no, not an imaginary friend like the ones who read my blog, someone who talks all his own). If I am living my plan, then I am going to miss God's will for my life, so instead of allowing me to miss His will, His plan for me, God has totally knocked me off my feet, sent me flying off in a new direction, disarming me of my plans and my securities. You're right, not exactly fun. But still great! I am learning so much right now, about God, about myself, and life in general. I am really growing up in this time. Let's hope it sticks! As I come into 2009, I hope that God shows me what His will for me is soon, and that He gives me the strength to follow it. I am going to work more at surrendering to Him, and trusting Him as He leads. I hope He gives me wisdom and extra grace, because I really need it!!! So, in celebration of the New Year, I went to the Rose Parade this morning. It was very exciting! My parents and I went when I was about 4, which was 14 years ago, and I hope I don't need to express that I do not remember it at all. They did the whole insane camp out on the cold sidewalk bit, and were so cold and miserable they vowed never to go again. But, I have no recollection of what for them was a terrible, and forever life-scarring experience, so I decided to go today! Since I went and decorated floats with my (non-imaginary) friends on Monday, some of us went together today. It was fun! I got up at quarter to 6 on a holiday, and I got ready in the dark, and savagely kicked both of my dogs as I ran into them and almost flew over the top of their formerly sleeping bodies. They jumped awake, and gave me a mournful look, wondering why I was mad, and emotionally injured that I would kick them. So, I had to stop to pet and comfort my pitiful pooches! :) I left my house at 6:30 and met Jenny, Jackie, and Melinda at 7. We got to the parade at 7:30, and found parking and seats, and then walked around for a while. That was interesting. People are weird, and all of the strange people seem to be magically drawn to big, public, free-of-charge events such as the Tournament of Roses. After that, we just went back and sat down. I read, Jenny talked, and Jackie fell asleep. At this point, some church people, the Starman's had joined us. They have three kids, and then Sarah Archer was with them as well. Finally, after what seemed like years and years and years and so on, the first float made its way slowly to us! The floats kept coming and they were all very grand! It was so cool to see them! Especially after being part of it, and seeing how they are made, and knowing the insane amount of work that goes into them, I was more impressed with the floats! The crowds were insane, the party favors obnoxious, the weather went from very cold to very hot (which caused wardrobe malfunction), and it was long and eventually boring, and I could point out other idiosyncrasies of the event, but the bottom line is: IT WAS FUN!!! I had a really great time! I mean, I don't think I would have enjoyed it much by myself, but going and being with my friends was really fun!

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