Saturday, March 7

Museum, 7-Seater and Banana Slurpee's!!!

It's getting late, but I still have energy from a super fun day and super delicious Samoans (thanks, Grandma!!!). I guess Robb was looking at blogs tonight and remarked that I hadn't blogged in a long time, which I really haven't. So I decided to try and burn a bit more energy before going to bed by blogging now. After all, today was stellar to the max, why not write about it!

First up was the church workday. Matt and Lauren picked Robb and I up at about 8, which was nice and early on a chilly Saturday morning. We did random stuff: washing walls, cleaning windows, mopping floors, vacuuming, taking out trash (YAY trash, Lauren!!!), and such of the like. Went to 7-11 and got a Slurpee which really snazzed up my day! I have not been to 7-11 in so long. And I remember when I was a kid we would go and I always got a banana Slurpee. The stores I have been to over the years have not had them, but this one did! Oh!! I was so thrilled! So utterly astounded and excited to see this flavor greeting me! It was like a warm hug from an old friend! So many childhood memories came flooding back to me as I happily grabbed a cup and filled it up! But then Matt so graciously pointed out that for 20 cents more, we could get really big ones! Honestly, why didn't I think of thinkin' of that?? So he grabbed a big cup for me and I took the lid off of my small one, which caused the sticky, runny, cold contents to poor out the side of the cup! Matt then jerked the cup he was holding up which caused it to spill more so I dumped the icy drink into the cup as best I could, but 'twas too late. Thankfully, no major damage was done besides sticky hands and saturated carpet!! Nothing like team-work!!!

After that exciting day at the church, a group of us went to the History and Art Museum in Ontario! If any of you are looking to be delighted with an enlightening and educational museum....don't go here! However, if you are looking for a fun outing that is free and interesting and wholesome (except for the picture of that chubby man in swim trunks.....shouldn't that be illegal, guys? Really!)....than this place is perfect! We had a jolly good time. 12 of us went and they had fireman suits and gear to try on. A bunch of photographs for their current exhibit which follows the modern day trail of Lewis and Clark. Then permanent exhibits on Route 66 and Earth. Over-all not the coolest museum I have ever been to, but we had a good time! And no! We did not try to open the big chest with a dead body in it, look in the well that turned out not to be a well, and go past the rope to see if the dark door was unlocked!!! :)

After that we went to the mall. Just wandered around, got ice cream, it was yummy! At one point, Samantha and I were walking slightly ahead of the group, and we got to a store we wanted to go into and turned around to tell the group that had disappeared!! AH! We had no idea where they were! We determined that they had been kidnapped, but didn't know they had been so it was up to us to warn them! However, that was slightly difficult because I didn't have my cell with me and Sam's phone had died! Drat! So we ran back to where we last remembered seeing them where a kiosk lady offered a lotion tester. Sam was laughing at me because I said yes, I wanted some! I didn't listen to any of her offers, I just mooched off her lotion but my hands were really dry!!! What's a girl to do, seriously?! :) So we ran back down to the end of the mall, and waited there for a few minutes. Finally, behold! There they be, blessed little lads and lasses!!! Phew! I thought we'd be lost forever! We were considering going to customer service and telling them we were lost, but decided to be brave and stick it out for as long as we could!

Raphael (5-seater car) and Matt (7-seater mini van) drove everyone up to the mall. But Raf had to leave for work before 5, so we could either send 4 people back to the church with him, or we could all pile into the van! We left the choice up to Matt since he was driving...his rules! He didn't care! Since he was driving, he was guaranteed his own, comfy seat and didn't care what we did! So sadly Raf had to leave for work and the rest of us hung out for about another hour before we went out to the car and piled in!!! Wow, 11 people in a mini-van! It was awesome!!! I think the only time I've beat it was in Mexico on missions trips! :) Matt and Lauren up front, Ashleigh and Chris each in a pilot seat in the middle. Robb on the floor between them and Ricky on the floor in front of Ash and John smashed down in front of Chris which left Samantha, Sandra, Chloe and I to sit in back! haha! We must have been quite a comical sagging and everything! But it was fun! The day wouldn't have been complete without something totally weird but stellar like that (well, that and the amazing dance moves Matt was showing off with in the Earth exhibit!!!) :)


  1. There you are! I thought you had lost your nerdiness.

  2. Oh no! Still a nerd! Just not a very blog-motivated one! LOL!!!

  3. Hehe! Good times! And for the record, I thought I was helping you to NOT spill more of your Slurpee! Ah well. That's what happens when 2 accident-prone people try to help each other... And I don't mean to brag, but my dance moves are pretty killer...

  4. Yeah....good times! Miraculous that we didn't do any real damage! haha!

    And please....your dance moves are stellar to the ultra max!!! Psh....I don't know why Lauren doesn't let you dance! Little sibs think they're the boss of us!

  5. Totally! I mean, who would EVER be embarrassed of us?! I just don't get it. I tend to write it off as jealousy. We're just ahead of the curve...

  6. For serious! In a year....everyone is going to be dancing in the street! It'll be a new phenomenon!

    You know today...I was first in line at red lights a few times...and Robb wouldn't let me do my first-in-line dance!!! He threatened a dead arm...PSH!!!
