Tuesday, December 30

I just want to thank all the little people, who helped me make my

I had a great time today! I went with Jennifer Dunlop, Jackie Ong, Heather Starman, Renee and Sarah Archer, Melinda, and 3 of Jennifer's old co-workers to decorate floats for the Rose Parade. I have never done anything like that, none of us had actually, but it was really fun! There were ten of us, and when we got there, we split up into two groups of five, and hoped to get on the decorating committee of a float, instead of stuck outside, cutting flowers and trying to look busy! Jenny, Heather, and her 3 friends went to work on the Jack in the Box float, while Melinda, Renee, Sarah, Jackie and I worked hard for China Airways. And, this is the best part: I was on TV! We were the only float that had TV camera's around it. There were pretty Chinese dancers and such, and they were recording us working. So, I am a star! In China, but a star still! No one can take that away from me! I would like to thank everyone who let savagely step on them as rungs on a ladder so I could climb and push my way up to this position. I had to climb many a scaffold and glue many a seed to a lantern to get to this point, but here I am! Thank you Mom and Dad, for birthing and feeding me. Thank you Bro. Goetsch, my speech teacher who gave me knowledge about acting and charisma. Thank you Lighthouse girls that I went with today. You helped me with my work, you helped me on the jobs, you shared the limelight. You are amazing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA But, we did work very hard and had a great time! Then, we went to In&Out, which pretty much rocks my socks, and it was basically delisc! After that, we parted ways with Jenny's friends, and the seven of us drove down to Santa Monica, which is my favorite beach! We hung out there for a while! Then, we almost got killed by this HUGE pelican named Hannibal! His beak was six feet long and was razor sharp, and he weighed a supposed total of 200 pounds! My, my! This was a honkin' big bird! There was a large gathering of seagulls, so I ran around them screaming, scaring them away. Why? You may ask. . .because I am the greater species, and I can!!! But Hannibal would not be bothered, and just stood there, quite comfortable in the cool sand where he was standing. At this point, I was deeply bothered by this web-footed bird, and quickly growing frightened. This is retarded, and I am not afraid of most birds, however. . .when I was little, I got attacked by geese. To this day, at 18 years old, I am afraid of ducks, geese, pelicans, and sometimes of seagulls, as well. Needless to say, I was very afraid that Hannibal was going to go crazy and attack all of us, stabbing everyone's eye out with his long, pointy beak! Finally, he flew away, but after much provoking and polite entreaties on our part! We had fun down at the beach! Chasing each other and having races. Wading in the freezing cold ocean, playing under the pier, pulling barnacles off pillars, and seeing who could sink their feet deeper into the wet sand, and shrieking as the tide came up and froze our legs that looked like footless stubs (with our feet buried in the sand)! I had a great day! It was so nice to go and get to know the girls from church. Since I am not going back to school on the 24th, it is important to me obviously, that I have friends here. But having just moved, the only people I know are my family, and I really desire more than that. But I think the girls here are very sweet, so hopefully I can continue to get to know them, they are really cool! Well, good to be back here blogging again! Thanks for reading!


  1. LOL, your post made me laugh. The whole TV star thing and thanking your parents...Hannibal...lol, you are so funny.
    Ha ha, if you have free time, and I have free time, we need to hang out more often. :) Seriously, I love hanging out and I have lots of free time now!!! YEA! So yeah...I'm planning on going skydiving in a month or two, want to come? :)

  2. haha, that day was so much fun!!! Good times! Let's hang soon for sure!
