Saturday, February 7

I am Going to Marry Batman!!!

Soul winning was this morning. It went really good, but was pretty cold outside! But praise the Lord it was not raining this morning! The sun was even out! It's been pouring rain since Thursday, and was supposed to be today as well, but it was not as cold as it has been, and no rain! It was such a blessing, because there is no way we would have been able to be door-knocking in the weather we've had for the past couple of days. And an hour or so after door-knocking, the rain started coming down again, so God was sooooo merciful to give us good weather! I love the rain, but am not super thrilled about the idea of spending a couple hours of the morning walking around while it pours!!! But I must say, that although it didn't have the same rain smell as usual, the air smelled so nice and fresh, and I could smell all the flowers and grass!! Blue skies, smiling at me.....nothing but blue skies, do I see.......

After soulwinning, Robb and I went over to my twins house. We had such a great time! We made some lunch, and had some ice cream, it was so good! Then Matt and I got into a slipper war! But let the record show, Matt started it, as always! :) I was in the kitchen, when a slipper whizzed past my head! It almost took my head off!! LOL!!! So then we were fighting over the slippers and then tossing them at each other. It was fun! He's just lucky he didn't break anything though, he kept throwing the slipper in really bad places, and there were repeated BANG's and CRASHes! But good times! We watched the Dark Knight, and I am the only one of us who has not seen it! I know, you may think I am not a good Batman fan, but it's not my fault! I spent last summer working at a camp in CO where I didn't even have cell reception, let alone access to the summer flicks! Then I went to Bible College, need I say anymore? Haha! So I was not able to see it before now, and I have to say.......STELLAR!!! I loved it! Absolutely superb, in my opinion! After that, we just hung out and goofed around. Robb and Matt wrestled, Matt got to point his gun at us, and show off all his knives and his toy-box, I tormented Lauren with my camera, good times! We had a really great time, and will hopefully be getting together next week, right Twin 1???

Then, I got back home and my parents, I just have to say, are wonderful! There is a plate of Chinese food (my favorite in the whole galaxy), and a cuppa tea sitting there just waiting for me to gulp it all up! And they rented Prince Caspian for us to watch together tonight! And until this afternoon, I have not watched a movie for uh, a really long time! When I watch something, it's always a TV show, not a whole movie! So I think the last movie I watched was in early January! It was so weird to watch a program that lasted for over an hour! And this movie was especially long! But so worth it, of course!!!
So, I think we will leave it at that! I had a super great day, and now get to spend a fun evening with my family! So goodnight all!

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