Monday, February 2

The Poet's Mind

I am not a man-hater....I just think this is funny!!!

Vex not thou the poet's mind with thy shallow wit

For thou canst not fathom it

Clear and bright it should be ever Flowing like a crystal river
Clear as light
And bright as day
-excerpt from "The Poet's Mind" by Lord Alfred Lloyd Tennyson

I have fallen in love all over again! A love that I had long abandoned by necessity while at college! A strong love, that caused pain when abandoned. But now, being back at home, having more time on my hands and no homework or academic schedule, I am once again a library frequenter!!! This is my second time at the Rancho Cucamonga Archibald library in one week! And it is amazing! At school, I would often go to the library to use the large dictionary, or for a quiet studying sanctum. But it just wasn't the same. The library here is amazing. They have such beautiful organizing. Their rows are so even, their books so broad in genre, so well-kept, so smartly arranged, so many books to choose from! I love it!

This evening my mom and I walked down. From Hermosa to Archibald is only about 3 blocks, not bad at all. It was quite a pleasant walk, very enjoyable. We walked back in the dark, and decided that next time we make this journey, a flash light would be in order! The path was lined by bushes on both sides for a short length of time, and we were quite afraid that there would be a rise in the pavement, and our bare toes would be stubbed on the rough concrete! That is quite painful. Walking along, unsuspecting, minding your own business, when suddenly your toe is smashed against a rise in the sidewalk. Pain starts at your foot and shoots like a screaming banshee out of a cannon up your leg and all the way to the top of your head as you bend at the waist and cry out in pain! Frustration adds to the anger as you question why something so small and seemingly insignificent as a toe can cause such grief, and bring such a breach into your current activity! The top of your toe is skinned, maybe a little blood, and that brings more frustration, now pointed at the concrete slab under your feet. Who put that there! What kind of moron lays concrete uneven like that? Are they purposefully bringing pain on the community? Is the creator of such evil sitting behind some nearby bush, quietly snickering as unnsuspecting passers-by go about their day in a merry manner to have their pleasant life come crashing down as you enter the world of pain and frustration---all from your toe (and of course that stupid side-walk!). But thankfully, both mom and I were saved from so dreadful an experience-although I am sure you have caught on that I am no stranger to this tragedy!

The poem I quoted above is one that I read in a book I checked out last week. It is a collection of poems by my current most beloved poet, Tennyson. I so enjoy his dry wit, thought-provoking topics, and point of view. He can write from so many perspectives. Tennyson has one poem called, All Things Must Die, and another called Nothing Shall Die (I believe that is the title). The words are very similiar, but speak from different perspectives. One in a positive light, the other speaking from a sadder, more cynical view. He has the ability to write from many different sides, can understand the soul of other people that have beliefs and views completely opposite of his own and make his reader understand the character or view as well. A very talented man. I do so enjoy reading his classic works! But I am also reading Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Burns, Robert Frost, William Shakespeare, John Donne, and Langston Hughes. And that is just the poetry. I am also reading the Old Testament, and a teaching book called Ready or Not by Sara Carlson (which I am so highly recommending for single young ladies of any age. This book is getting me through some hard times!). I have such a huge to-read list, yet I continue to borrow books that are not on my list. But I will get to them all eventually. It will just be a slow crawl! But one that I enjoy! I love reading! My ultimate favorite past-time!

I am really wishing I were at school, but things here are great. I really enjoy the church. My class on Friday nights is amazingly great. I love teaching RU Kidz. The college/career group is unbelievably stellar! Beyond compare! I am making some great friends in there, and really enjoy the activities that we do, hanging out every Sunday night, and just fellowshipping with them before and after (not during ;) ) services.

But thankfully I am also able to talk some to my friends at school. Jesse and I have been able to chat a few times this weekend, which always puts a smile on my face, and I have even heard from Kayla pretty frequently, and that is the bees knees! And I have been able to keep in touch with Stephanie, who is more sister than friend we're so close, and that is a blessing! But in a way the internet is cool. Via facebook I am getting to know a ton of people, some that I have never even met in person, or at least we were never close! I am making more friends, it is fun to branch out. Get me out of my comfort zone.

I did some job-searching today. Kohls is supposed to start interviewing next week, so today I brought by my resume and filled out an application. That would be a great job! I went back to Corky's they are frustrating me. I believe that hostessing position is lost to me....actually, I am lost to them! Ha! I went to Montclair Plaza on Friday and handed my resume out to 4 people, 2 of which actually used the rarely heard term "We're Hiring", and one of which would be hiring soon and was so excited about my resume, she said she would pass it up to her general manager pronto! So I am excited and encouraged about what the Lord is going to do. I just know He is going to provide me with a job soon! All in His time......I really pray His time is now! But I am trusting Him. We had a great Sunday school lesson taught just to us girls by Miriam from Matt. 6:22-28 (?) about not worrying! It was a blessing, and a needed reminder and challenge. I need to stop worrying and give it all to God! Truer words were never spoken! Well, maybe not never, but rarely, at least! I think that is it for now. But I do enjoy blogging when I work up the motivation to spend this much time on one activity at once, so I believe I will make it a priority to do it more often.

Love, peace and chicken grease to all!

Last Saturday, I found out that my favorite flower, being a yellow carnation, means disdain. Obviously, my ears did not enjoy receiving that news. Well, at least Daisies, my second favorite, mean Innocence. And that is pleasant. But I am still disappointed at such an unhappy definition for the former.


  1. Oh yea, I am!!! I love the library! One of my favorite places!

  2. You love the library AND you're a blogger...


    My soul, who would blog??

  3. I know, I know. Blogging is for the birds, eh? Good thing you don't blog, Jay, then you would be a nerd, too! Especially if you blogged frequently! That would make you a really big nerd! :)

  4. HEY! lol, as long as we think we're cool then... that's all that matters. :)

  5. Haha, for sure!!! I am a big nerd, but am very confident in my nerdiness, and that makes it all okay! LOL!

  6. Nerd? Really big nerd?? Guilty.

  7. At least you're in nerdy society! We are all so nerdy that not only do we love the library, and blog, but we actively read and comment on our friends blogs! Yikes!! Now that is nerdiness at it's max! JK! You guys are great!
