Saturday, February 7

Well, I must say that today has been pretty stellar!!!
It is pouring rain outside, and because of that, I was feeling kind of lazy. But I got up this morning, exercised, did my devotions and some other work, played on my computer. I really didn't have much to do for the day, and since I got up super early---in vain---yesterday, I decided to take it slow and easy today and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I did not accomplish much other than the rest of my planning and preparation for RU Kidz tonight, but sometimes we all just need a day to kick back and take things slowly. And it was very nice! It was only Mom and I here, and so the TV was off, there were no loud men, no trash, no clutter, no empty soda cans on the coffee table. Everything was so peaceful, and everything was so neat and clean, just the way we like it! Very nice!

I came to a decision today. A resolve. I am filled with determination! I feel like I can't get into too many details, but there was a relationship in my life, that had taken a very disappointing turn. As I had written in here already, someone I thought was my friend has hardly been one. Come to think of it, the only worse friends I've had were 3 "friends" that were in my youth group in high school and they made fun of me and lied about me behind my back! And this person has not been that bad, but for someone that is supposed to be my friend, no worst, best friend, there has been so much gunk! And even though I will still be a friend to this person, that's all I can be. I am filled with resolve that if I ever hear from this person again, I will respond as a friend, nothing more! Because this is not the kind of relationship that is healthy, for serious! I don't want to go into details, I am not even sure why I am posting this! But it's 1 in the morning and I have been with kids all night, and maybe I had a soda and candy and ice cream and cake too late into the night, who's to say??? But the point is, that me and this person and are not me and this person anymore! I am filled with resolve and determination, and through much prayer and counsel from my mom and grandma (who's counsel I greatly value), am sure this is the right decision and God has given me peace about it! Even when I told my dad, he agreed that it was the right choice! This person has been treating me badly, and I have finally awakened and become aware of it. Took me long enough, but I got the picture eventually! Ignorance is bliss, and I almost preferred it before I knew who this one really was. This is someone I have spent countless hours with, and really care about, and who said they cared about me as well, and yet, the proof is in the pudding, and lately there hasn't even been any pudding to proof (what? Go to bed, Jane!). And it does hurt a little bit that I am the only loyal one in dumb thing, and that the care I feel for this one is not felt by and for both parties. But that's what happens with self-absorbed people. I have a knack for finding the self-absorbed ones! This person cares for self more than they ever could care for me! So this is good. This is healthy, and necessary, and I am glad to be moving on with my life! Yep! I am, truly! And I am not really upset about it, these are facts, and it's been coming for a while. I am woman, hear me roar! You can't phase me I'm the Ginger.....wait, no, wrong story! Okay, and maybe that is not entirely true. If I think about it, this makes me very sad. To lose a dear friend and realize I bought right into a pack of lies. That does hurt a lot, so I dont' think about it that way. I instead think of the cankur I am ridding myself of! LOL!!! But this is good. Extremely good. And very healthy! Yep!

RU Kidz was tubular tonight! Raphael, Matt and I each wore all black, and we looked really cool! It showed our authority and uniformity and stellarority!!! Yea, it was far-out for sure! I was so nervous for tonight! I was bracing myself for a really rough night, but our night-mare children were not there tonight! God is so Good! I feel really bad saying that, because I want them to come. But when this one child in particular is there, no one gets anything out of the night, because he creates havoc and we can't even play a game because there is pandemonium! But he wasn't there tonight, so the night went by so smoothly! I couldn't believe it. The kids were so well-behaved, the 3 of us were an amazing team of leaders (all in black), and it was a ton of fun! And I am starting some specified rules, written by yours-truly, just for them! Tonight I came up with 3, right on the spot. #1: "Thou shalt not complain when thou art singing." They always complain about the songs I pick, at least one person will complain about each one, I can't please every one, even though I have been trying hard to. So I just made that rule up, and it worked, and I am wondering why I didn't make it sooner! #2: "Thou shalt not complain when thou breathest!". Then we moved on with the program, and one little kid in particular was still complainging a lot, and I realized, Jane, if you can make a rule that says no complaining during songs, can't you make one that eliminates complaining for ever? Which I could, I did, and it was the best rule yet! #3: "Thou shalt be silent when thou are summoned to be so!". And yes, I know summoned means called. But I really like that word, and in trying to speak in Ye Old English Terms, I used that word, Hannah wrote it down as a commandment, and so "summoned" stays! But these rules worked beautifully, and so I am going to finish writing the Sacred Commandments of RU Kidz this week, and put them on a neon poster-board and hang it in class every Friday! It's stellar! Or at least it will be! Oh, and it was so cute! We were playing Fruit Basket Mix Up, and little Joy was in the middle. For those of you who don't know this little sweetie, she is 5, and just the cutest, funniest little thing! So it's her turn, and we tell her to call out a fruit name. So she enthusiastically begins pointing to people and saying "Apple, Banana, Orange, Apple, Banana....." just as she had seen me done a few minutes before. But we say, no Joy, just say ONE! So she nods, and again does the same thing! So I tell her, No Joy! Just say "APPLE" and I yell it out! So she smiles big and is so excited, and says, yelling now, "APPLE, BANANA, ORANGE, APPLE....." and still continues to point to people! Oh, it was the cutest thing I have seen in a long time! I think the only thing that's topped it so far is Ethan, her little brother, counting to ten last week, now that was cute! So finally everyone just decided that since she was calling off all the fruit, it must be a fruit basket upset! So everyone ran around, found a seat, and applauded the now-seated Joy for doing the best job in the middle!! So great!

So that is my exciting night! It was very fun! I have soul-winning in the morning, and then I am hanging out with my twin and our two siblings (that are not related to each other in any way besides the Family of God). So I am pretty stoked for the day which now starts in a few hours, so I really should go to sleep! Goodnight everyone and thanks for reading!

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